This page allows you to choose the region for which you wish to display the energy output of PV systems.
The average MONTHLY output is calculated by taking the average energy output of PV systems considered as having a normal output.
The output of the 12 PREVIOUS MONTHS is calculated by taking the median value of the PV system energy outputs that have generated a full output over the past 12 months.

La valeur "-" indique qu'il n'y a pas assez d'installations dans la région pour pouvoir calculer la production.
Vous pouvez accéder au classement détaillé des installations par région en cliquant sur les valeurs de production moyenne du mois ou de production des 12 mois précédents.

Current year : 2013 Previous year - Next year
Mois courant : April Previous month - Next month
Quick access to country :  France - Swiss - Belgium - United Kingdom


RegionsAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 97 Wh/Wp 1059 Wh/Wp
Bourgogne-Franche-Comte 96 Wh/Wp 980 Wh/Wp
Bretagne 113 Wh/Wp 1011 Wh/Wp
Centre-Val-De-Loire 104 Wh/Wp 999 Wh/Wp
Corse- 1229 Wh/Wp
DOM-TOM- 1396 Wh/Wp
Grand-Est 99 Wh/Wp 969 Wh/Wp
Haut-de-France 111 Wh/Wp 927 Wh/Wp
Ile-de-France 105 Wh/Wp 924 Wh/Wp
Normandie 111 Wh/Wp 946 Wh/Wp
Nouvelle-Aquitaine 114 Wh/Wp 1127 Wh/Wp
Occitanie 108 Wh/Wp 1195 Wh/Wp
Pays-de-la-Loire 113 Wh/Wp 1061 Wh/Wp
Provence-Alpes-Cote Azur 115 Wh/Wp 1308 Wh/Wp


CantonAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
Suisse - (AG) : ArgovieClick to compute-
Suisse - (FR) : Fribourg- 1061 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (GE) : Genêve- 900 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (JU) : Jura- 964 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (NE) : Neuchâtel- 589 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (VD) : Vaud- 1116 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (ZH) : ZurichClick to compute-


ProvinceAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
Belgique - Anvers- 895 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Brabant Flamand 106 Wh/Wp 877 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Brabant Wallon 106 Wh/Wp 899 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Bruxelles 105 Wh/Wp 883 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Flandre occidentale- 966 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Flandre OrientaleClick to compute-
Belgique - Hainaut 107 Wh/Wp 894 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Liege 103 Wh/Wp 885 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Limbourg- 953 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Luxembourg 103 Wh/Wp 876 Wh/Wp
Belgique - Namur 106 Wh/Wp 890 Wh/Wp

United Kingdom

ProvinceAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
UK - (England) : Bedfordshire- 617 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Berkshire- 895 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : BuckinghamshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Cambridgeshire- 916 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Cheshire--
UK - (England) : CornwallClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Cumberland- 894 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : DerbyshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Devon- 949 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Dorset- 850 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Durham- 850 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Essex- 955 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Gloucestershire- 847 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Hampshire- 925 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Herefordshire- 882 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Hertfordshire- 953 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Kent- 911 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Lancashire- 860 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Leicestershire- 820 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Lincolnshire- 898 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Middlesex- 639 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Norfolk- 943 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Northamptonshire- 873 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Northumberland- 831 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Nottinghamshire--
UK - (England) : Oxfordshire- 921 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Shropshire- 858 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Somerset- 807 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Staffordshire- 846 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Suffolk- 951 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Surrey--
UK - (England) : Sussex- 834 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Warwickshire- 830 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : West Midlands- 933 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : WestmorlandClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Wiltshire- 945 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Worcestershire- 919 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Yorkshire- 921 Wh/Wp
UK - (Northern Ireland) : DownClick to compute-
UK - (Northern Ireland) : Fermanagh- 745 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : AberdeenshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : Angus/ForfarshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : Ayrshire--
UK - (Scotland) : BanffshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : CaithnessClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : Dumfriesshire--
UK - (Scotland) : Dunbartonshire/Dumbartonshire- 860 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : East Lothian/Haddingtonshire- 888 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : Fife- 857 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : Inverness-shire--
UK - (Scotland) : Lanarkshire--
UK - (Scotland) : Midlothian/Edinburghshire--
UK - (Scotland) : Perthshire--
UK - (Scotland) : Renfrewshire- 810 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : Ross-shire- 863 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : StirlingshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : West Lothian/Linlithgowshire- 771 Wh/Wp
UK - (Wales) : Anglesey- 992 Wh/Wp
UK - (Wales) : CaernarfonshireClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : DenbighshireClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : Glamorgan- 977 Wh/Wp
UK - (Wales) : Monmouthshire- 962 Wh/Wp
UK - (Wales) : MontgomeryshireClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : Pembrokeshire--